8th turn: The Beginning of the End (the last turn).......
The Gendarme led by the Francis-I of the France army left wing pursues the Arquebusier of the enemy who retreats, and sets foot a leg in woods.
The Pike-men of the Imperialist Army which established Paik was waiting and establishing there.
In right-wing back, behind [ trooper ] the Spain army which pushed back the trooper of the France army, the Imperial-Guards Archers(cavalry) of the France army was imminent, and was preparing the attitude to surround to it.
Other Spain Heavy Cavalrys are gradually driven into the Gendarme of the France army in woods.
Its ground should be held in a historical fact here.
The advance guard Arquebusiers of the Italian Pike-men of the center of the France army and a French Pike-men continues further further the Arquebusier and firefight of an Imperialist Army which were developed in woods, packing distance.
The central France army Landsknechts Black Band pushes back the Landsknechts of an Imperialist Army again.
However, the France army Landsknechts of the ultraright wing who projected near the Mirabello Castle is surrounded by a Spanish Pike-men and the Pike-men of a powerful Imperialist Army, and the fate is in a precarious state.
If an attack on both flanks is carried out from the back of the Black Band of the France army which the rest commands itself the powerful Imperialist Army Pike-men in which Georg von Frundsberg (sub-general) beat the enemy, is reversed, and pushed and pushed an Imperialist Army in the center, the central battle line of the France army will collapse.
That is, the end of a battle started here.
On the east side of a Vernavola river, the Swiss Mercenary of the France army and the Landsknechts of the Imperialist Army continued the hand-to-hand combat, and the Heavy Cavalry of the Imperialist Army which escaped from woods fought with the Cavalry unit of the France army which confronted each other, changed the hand-to-hand combat into the continuation state, and did not have transition of a battle line, either.
In this way, the battle of the Pavia serves as deadline timeout.
Although the right wing of the Imperialist Army was pushed, I think that it will be called just before annihilation when the center carried out the 3 more turn play.
Then, it is a visit how the central part party of the Imperialist Army made the attitude which attacks the left-wing Cavalry unit of the France army.
[Imperialist Army]

- A right-wing Heavy Cavalry will repeat retreat, without the ability to maintain a battle line by the charge of the France army.
However, even if it retreated, it succeeded in reorganizing an attitude, and the large-scale breakthrough of an enemy was required, without allowing.
- Although the Heavy Cavalry of the Spain army which retreated the Italy army trooper who withdrew from woods changed the hand-to-hand combat into the continuation state, in fact, the Imperial-Guards Archers(cavalry) of the France army was approaching the back.
- The mass blanket Arquebusier of Spain developed in the ultraright wing's woods shoots and retreats to the Gendarme led by the France king, and the rest leaves a battle to a Pike-men.
- The Pike-men of the France army which a central Landsknechts unit faces is pushed back by the further attack.
- The Heavy-Pike-men of Spain and the Heavy-Pike-men of the Imperialist Army made the envelopment attitude from the direction of a Mirabello Castle to the Pike-men of the France army which has moved forward.
- The bombardment party of the front of a Mirabello Castle performs bombardment to a Swiss Mercenary succeedingly.
- A left-wing Landsknechts continues a hand-to-hand combat to Swiss mercenary troops.
Mutual damage is equivalent, and both fighting it is continued, without pulling also one step.
- Although the left-wing Heavy Cavalry escaped from woods at last and charged to the trooper of the enemy who developed at hand, it was fighting in confusion and the hand-to-hand combat was changed into the continuation state.
[France army]
- Escape from the Cavalry unit and woods led by the France king, and though shooting of the Arquebusier developed in the front is received, move forward.
- The central Landsknechts unit pushed back the enemy again.
However, it is beaten by a Spanish Pike-men and the Pike-men of an Imperialist Army, and a right-wing Landsknechts is pushed back again and surrounded.
- The Arquebusier of an Italian Infantry and a Franch Infantry showers shooting over an enemy.
And the Pike-men cut down back prepared the charge attitude.
- The Pike-men unit of a Swiss Mercenary continues a charge.
- The artillery of the Swiss Mercenary who provided aim in the enemy of the direction of a Mirabello Castle shot succeedingly.
It is selfish generalization of the Game.
Although the end of a battle remains and possibly was not in sight clearly in four turns, and it cannot declare, I think whether the troops on foot of the center of the France army had become what some units ask an enemy to mercy for in the back (it destroys completely in response to envelopment) by side envelopment from the Mirabello Castle tower house side.
However, even if time was required for a center to be destroyed totally and it did up to 12 turns, it cannot have gone up to there.
Although the Imperialist Army right wing was also having considerably forced retreat, since the trooper kept the enemy in doors during 2 turns as long as it carried out against the trooper, he cannot have resulted in the crisis of right-wing collapse in the attitude of the final stage.
However, at least one Imperialist Army Cavalry unit may have been destroyed totally (surrounded from back).
However, more than the player of the Imperialist Army right wing was apprehensive, the way of the player (he is me) of the center of the France army was carrying out consciousness to "Oh!, it lost" much.
Since the battle of the east side of a Vernavola river also had the point of having mistaken the rule greatly, it could not say clearly, but probably, deployment had changed a lot by whether the result at the time of the cavalry division of the France army charging first was a victory, and whether it was defeat.
Anyway, I think that deployment would be more dramatic since it was the battle line which was performing the battle from the beginning.
Since the direction which was being played was enjoying itself well, when it was, it was good at it.

[The subject of a problem and future]
Since it concentrated on its battle line, without interfering in the battle line of the player of not much others since the France army in the Pavia applied the surprise attack, but its battlefield was also large and it might be playing it by a lot of people, there was whether between players, the phase under turn has shifted enough and carries out plentifully.
I am just going to think that I will consider the scale of a battlefield, and adjustment of the player number next time on the level which can be played.
-End of the Game......but continues!
Next Battle is a "Naval battle of Nile(1-3 August 1798)".-